Renewal Housing Project Applications
This page provides guidance to new project applicants seeking renewal CoC funding for existing housing projects within the River Valleys CoC (MN-502) jurisdiction.
Guidance will be updated regularly during the application period as HUD releases additional information for the CoC Program National Competition. (5/16 all materials updated.)
Guidance will be updated regularly during the application period as HUD releases additional information for the CoC Program National Competition. (5/16 all materials updated.)
Notice of Intent/ Preliminary Review
Required Submittals - Due 4:00pm 6/11/2024
Optional Submittals
Reference Materials for Project Reviews
Local Competition Application
Required to Coordinator by 4:00pm on 7/31/2024
- Resolution of application conditions, if applicable
- Confirmation/corrections for Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW), unless required sooner by HUD
National Competition Application (e-snaps)
Projects approved in Reviews will be placed on the List of Eligible Renewals and may submit a project application in e-snaps for inclusion in the CoC's application to HUD.
Due (submitted) in e-snaps by 4:00pm 9/9/2024
Reference Materials