CoC Network Meetings
River Valleys CoC holds open meetings on a monthly basis to learn and coordinate our response to homelessness.
All CoC meetings are currently being held virtually using the Zoom platform. This will continue until further notice. When the Full CoC meets in person, meeting locations rotate between accessible spaces across the 20-county region to increase access for more people.
All CoC meetings are currently being held virtually using the Zoom platform. This will continue until further notice. When the Full CoC meets in person, meeting locations rotate between accessible spaces across the 20-county region to increase access for more people.
Participating in CoC meetings
The Continuum of Care is open to anyone who wants to contribute to a systemic and regional approach to ending homelessness. Participants include agency representatives, people with lived experience of homelessness, and other community members.
Virtual meetingsThe Full CoC (all members and participants from the public) meets virtually most of the time. All CoC virtual meetings are being held via the Zoom meeting platform.
Using Zoom
VotingAll members in the CoC are allowed to vote on most items of business. For votes on project rankings and the regional application for HUD CoC funding, voting is limited to CoC members who have attended at least 50% of Full CoC meetings in the previous 12 months.
Bad Weather Policy(For in-person meetings only) If schools are cancelled due to weather anywhere in the region, the meeting will be cancelled. |
Other resourcesAcronym ListThe CoC includes people with many different experiences and backgrounds, so sometimes the acronyms and terms are confusing. Check out this acronym cheat sheet and don't be afraid to ask questions!
Participation StipendsThe CoC provides modest stipends for people with recent lived experience of homelessness to participate in CoC activities. Learn more. |