Move Up Voucher Program
River Valleys CoC has entered a partnership with two public housing authorities to create a Move Up Voucher Program. The Move Up Voucher Program supports positive exits from permanent supportive housing, rapid re-housing, or transitional housing programs for participants who no longer need intensive or site-based services within a program but whose housing stability would be at risk without rental assistance at exit.
The Move Up Program also helps to maximize rental assistance and services resources available in the community by partnering with public housing authorities and best matching people to housing based on their current needs, strengths, and desires. |
RolesHousing Provider
Rapid Rehousing, Transitional Housing, or Permanent Supportive Housing provider with units dedicated for people experiencing homelessness and filled by referral from CE. Housing providers work with participants to identify and support housing goals, including moving on. Housing Providers submit the Voucher Request for participants seeking a Move Up Voucher from a PHA. Housing providers also help participants gather documents and submit formal voucher applications to the PHA. Participant Individual or family currently living in Transitional Housing, Rapid Rehousing, or Permanent Supportive Housing. Participants that no longer need or desire intensive services may request a Move Up voucher by completing an assessment with their Housing Provider. Participants approved for Move Up also complete the PHA application materials to secure the new voucher or housing unit. PHA or other Assisted Housing Public Housing Agency or other subsidized housing owner that may offer Move Up opportunities. PHAs receive referral requests from the CoC and administer the official application process for eligible participants. |
Resources & Guides
Participation FormsStep 1: Move Up Assessment
Step 2: Move Up Voucher Request
Step 4: PHA Voucher Application